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Probate & Trust

Probate & Trust Administration Lawyer

Protect Your Legacy with BarthCalderon LLP

Is your family in the midst of a complicated dispute involving the administration of a loved one’s property? Are you in need of assistance as a named trustee? If so, our legal team has the experience and knowledge to help you through the process of probate or trust administration of any property size.

Our asset protection lawyers have over 120 years of combined legal experience in the area of asset protection! We are known both locally and nationally for our unique, creative, and collaborative approach to problem solving. When your lifetime of legacy needs to be protected, trust no other name than BarthCalderon, LLP.

Helping Individuals From All Walks of Life Plan for the Future

We are no stranger to the fact that very few people like conflict, especially if it requires a courtroom. We are proud to offer our clients a level of world-class legal representation that can fit any financial need, family dynamic, or business portfolio. When you hire our legal team, you can be working with a collaborative group of professionals who are devoted to helping you understand your rights during the probate or trust administration process.

If a loved one has passed away without a will or trust, we can help with the following:

  • Determining any amount of estate debt or taxes
  • Distributing inheritances to beneficiaries
  • Representation in probate or trust litigation
  • Guidance through any contested wills, or alleged trust mismanagement by trustees

With our experience in trust and probate administration, we always encourage our clients to consider protecting their assets with an effective estate plan. Taking the time to name heirs, beneficiaries, or trustees can help save your family and your business from future conflict.

Contact our firm today!

Whether you are in need of assistance for drafting a trust, think there has been an error in the distribution of property, or need representation through the probate process, we are here to help. Let us help you handle any aspect of your estate plan so that your tax liability is minimized and your protection is maximized.

If you wish to learn more about how our attorneys can streamline your probate or trust matter, Contact us today.